Friday, August 15, 2008
Ta Da!
I arrived back in the US safely, completely wowed and grateful for all the Peace Corps and Morocco have given me. I saw incredible sights, met amazing folks, found deeper aspects to myself, and almost managed to convincingly pronounce that elusive "ghhhh" gargling letter in the Arabic alphabet.
For anyone who hasn't heard, I will indeed be starting a new adventure soon. Shortly, I will be leaving for South Korea, where I will spend a year teaching English with my lovely partner, Noemi Lopez.
We'll be keeping a blog at "" so be sure to drop by the site to visit!
Thanks to everyone who kept up with this blog. I hope you enjoyed it. Take care, and we'll see you on the Korea page!
Chris Bacon
Thursday, July 17, 2008
ASCENT TO THE TOP OF NORTH AFRICA! An Independence-Day Adventure
At 4,167m, Toubkal is only about half the size of
The first day was a relatively straightforward hike into the mountain range from a nearby village. It took about 5-6 hours to reach the refuge “hut” (which is actually a pretty posh cabin that holds a few hundred) at the foot of Toubkal, where people spend the night to rest up and get used to the altitude change. At the refuge, there were expeditions of climbers from
The next morning, I followed the advice I got from my new Moroccan-guide buddies and woke up dark-and-early at
The climb was steep and the view breathtaking as we slowly neared the top of the mountain range to see it all from above. The other peaks around Toubkal, however, were still so high that we couldn’t see exactly what we were climbing towards, but we traversed on. Then a little further up, the wind kicked in. No one really mentions wind when advising mountain climbers. They’ll talk about the cold, or the slippery scree (tripping my way up the rock-slide, though I was glad to be following a guided group, I couldn’t imagine the scree being that much worse off of this so called “path”), but never about the wind. Already tottering on loose gravel, we’d all duck down and brace ourselves as a big gust smacked into us, wait until it died down, scurry up a few more steps, then brace for the next gust.
The wind let up towards the top and we could finally see the far off
I caught up with a French couple who helped me up the rest of the way (again with the 1776 symbolism) and together we made it to the top of
I sat and chatted with one of the Moroccan guides I hadn’t yet met and he introduced me to a Swiss woman who had hired him (the mountain beginning to feel like a UN meeting). After they found out I had come up alone, they invited me to come down with them. I figured it’d be savfer with a guide, so I quickly agreed. “Although,” said the friendly lady said with a mischievous Swiss-German accent, “we’re going back a different way than we came up. I hope that’s all right.”
Apparently, in her dialect, “different” translates from “death defying.” Well known fact that I should have remembered: The Swiss are bad-to-the-bone mountain climbers, blonde, and bred with a sixth-sense drawing them up, up, and away. The “different” path we took down had a steep, spectacular view of the abyss one would certainly sprawl into upon a single misstep—missteps being a certainty since we were then on steep-scree that functioned like a giant gravel slip-&-slide. In light of that, I spent an inordinate amount of time tumbling to my backside banana-peel-sketch style (as falling backwards is much preferred to falling forward where there is nothing, nothing to stop you), but the Swiss lady and her guide were patient with me until I found my scree-legs (sorry, bad pun).
One would think that going up a mountain would be the tough part, and physically, it is. But gravity is like the mafia—it’s straightforward enough when you know you’re working against it, but when you attempt to work with it, that’s when you have to be constantly vigilant of it whacking you out of the blue.
Mountain descents like this are surely where the term “steep learning curve” came from. Though, oddly enough, certain death was far less of a motivator than my mother’s worry-confirmed “I told you so.” Either way, after a few hours, my butt got a break as I started to figure things out.
We hiked (Well, they hiked. I slid.) past a field of wreckage from a military plane that had crashed in the mountains some twenty-odd years ago (Our guide explained this by picking up a hunk of the engine and miming, with airplane sounds, it tumbling down. Then he threw it into a rock with exploding mouth-spitting effects). I suddenly realized that I had read about this wreckage somewhere before. Then it hit me—it had been a passage from my Rough Guide
Luckily, fate let this one by, and we made it back to the refuge. I went straight to bed to sleep off an altitude-hangover, then spent the rest of the evening entertaining Moroccan guides by teaching them all the English catch-phrases they could handle (should anyone hike in the High Atlas and hear “The early bird catches the worm,” that’s totally my legacy). I even managed to get a discount from the manager on my room bill for the English lessons.
The next day, I hiked back out of the valley with sore legs, but “Proud to be an American” to the max. I had taken on the mountain, capped off my Moroccan adventure, and learned valuable lessons: A) Never go mountain climbing with the Swiss unless you want to get the scree beat out of you, and B) Nothing, yes, absolutely nothing gets in the way of a proper English tea time.
Mt. Toubkal Pics
Thursday, June 19, 2008
2 Mococco Poems
I got mad when the kids threw rocks at me—by Chris Bacon
I got mad when the kids
threw rocks at me
until I stopped seeing
through victim eyes
the donkey cart guy
they bombarded him too
and cars, dogs,
shepherds, trains
basically any
thing that moved
true integration
For playing with me
in your game
Foreigner Tax—by Chris Bacon
You complained
cus he overcharged you by half
to vote for the guy
who said the rich weren’t taxed enough
that foreign aid rarely
reaches the people
for a latte
with cinnamon undertones
Monday, June 16, 2008
AIDS Candlelight Memorial

Daylight Savings Time Annulled
No matter what anybody says, let it be known that I single-handedly brought daylight savings time to
About a month ago, I taught an English lesson on telling time and had a few minutes left at the end of class. I decided to do a bit of cultural exchange and teach them about Daylight Savings Time, which
Therefore, I ended up with a room full of baffled Moroccan students, which is how I like to leave them, as it makes me feel I am doing my duty as a teacher and instilling in them the desire to figure out what the heck I was talking about, causing them to go home to pursue the knowledge for themselves. Oh, the gift of learning! I asked the students what they though about the DST, and they unanimously agreed that it was a really weird idea, and that it would never happen in
Lo and behold, no less than three weeks later, an announcement came out from the Ministry (I’m not sure which one, possibly the Ministry of Time and Clock Setting), that Morocco would officially go on daylight savings time the following month. Now let’s put the pieces together:
1. Chris does a lesson on daylight savings time.
2. General confusion ensues, causing people all over town to gossip about this strange phenomenon.
4. All of the sudden
The evidence is indisputable!
The day came, watches were reset, and a young Peace Corps Volunteer swelled with hubris (obviously nonsensical and undeserved, but don’t ruin his day). The most interesting part of the transition, however, was that I never in my life expected to see daylight savings have no impact whatsoever. Nothing changed, therefore everything changed. The rhythm of life went on, unconcerned about what time the clock said it ways, everything just got pushed an hour later.
In small cities in
Instead of the whole town adjusting to the clock for daylight savings time, the town forced the clock-time of everything to adjust. This essentially nullified the all-consuming power of daylight savings time. Imagine the chaos in the US if, when we went on DST, everything just happened an hour later: The standard workday went from 10:00am-6:00pm, lunch was served at 1:00pm, your favorite show was now on at 8:00pm instead of 7:00pm, the kids, who were formerly in bed at 9:00pm are still running around at 10:00pm. We’d go insane!
Maybe this is why my students thought DST would be a bad idea. Maybe I should have been a little bit less inspiring with my immensely impactful English lesson. Or maybe I just need to realize that time really is relative, Einstein must have vacationed in